Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Thank God, It's Friday

TGIF *nari-nari india*
kenapa gue suka jumat? kenapa lo suka jumat? kenapa dia suka jumat? kenapa mereka suka jumat? entah, aku pun tak tau. Coba kau tanya pada rumput yg bergoyang, ouwooooo~

Sebenernya ada beberapa alasan kenapa gue suka jumat. Bukan, bukan karna tiap jumat banyak sinetron bagus. Gue bukan orang pecinta sinetron yg tiap hari kerjaannya nangis nyanyi-nyanyi sambil naik naga. Uekkkkkkkkk....
There're some reasons why i love friday:

1.  You are a survivor!
Karna saat hari jumat gue udah jadi orang yg berhasil! berhasil melewati berbagai rintangan absurd dengan  medan-medan labil yg selalu gue temuin di sekolah tiap senin sampe kamis. Gue juga ga bakal ketemu ama 
tugas-tugas terkutuk yg berpotensi ngerubah kepala gue jadi botak. dan ga perlu ngeliat *sensor* yg nyebelinnya setengah idup! Hah, how amazing is that? 

2.   Me time.... 
Jika gue cukup beruntung bakal punya liburan akhir pekan, jumat itu jadi sinyal yg bagus untuk permulaan  liburan gue yg 89.99% udah pasti bakal gue isi dengan hibernasi. Sebenernya, kalo keadaan dompet ngedukung, ini lebih memungkinkan gue untuk dapet hiburan anak kota yg udah pasti bakal ke tempat tempat 'modern'. Tapi engga, biasanya saat-saat itu gue habisin buat baca novel yg bisa nge-refresh otak gue kembali normal dan ga dipenuhin asep-asep ngebul yg lebih keliatan kayak wedus gembel di atas kepala.

3.   New Beginnings
Sayangnya hari jumat juga merupakan tanda kalo hari sabtu dan minggu akan segera datang. 'Terus kenapa?' Lo masih berani tanya kenapa? Hah?!! *zoom5x* itu tandanya hari senin akan menyambut lo di ujung sana dengan senyum iblisnya. Ahh. how sucks!! Tapi diantara fakta-fakta buruk itu, seenggaknya pas hari jumat gue udah bisa mempersiapkan diri gue dan memperkuat iman buat ngehadapin cobaan cobaan berat yg mungkin bakal gue terima satu minggu kemudian.

munkin masih banyak lagi yg gue suka dari hari jumat, yaa tapi udah cukup segitu aja kali yaa gue nya juga udah agak males gitu mau nulis -.-

Tell me what you love about Friday. Sound off below!

the other kind of  TGIF = THANK GOD I'M FRESH

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Angry Birds: The Movie!

saat itu gue lagi muter-muter youtube, dan ternayata.......jrengjreng!! there's something confused. Angry Birds the movie! yapp, game fenomenal yg udah buat gue sakit kepala tiap main karena selalu stuck di level 10. Bukan, bukan karena gue ga jago, terlebih karena burung2nya cuma dikit! yaaa cuma DIKIT! lo bayangin itu, bayangin!! *pengalihan* 
Balik ke angry birds the movie tadi, gue kaget, gue heran, bagaimana jadinya itu film nanti? seru? bosen? atau terharu? -_- ga gue kira film angry birds ga bakal nguras air mata kayak The Last Song. Satu yang gue heran kenapa di film itu babinya harus item? KENAPA?! KENAPA?!! lo gatau, gue gatau, lo dan gue gatau, kita gatauuuuuuuu! kenapa si babi ga warna putih aja? atau biru? atau pastel? atau pink aja sekalian biar unyu, yaaak kenapa harus item? KENAPA WOYYY KENAPA?!!! tell me tell me tell me something i dont know, something i dont know, something i dont know~

J.K Rowling - Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home

I just watched the last premiere of Harry Potter movies on youtuve video. And I got cry!!!! :'''((
I fall in love with this film since I was 9 and often imagine that I can ride a broomstick like Harry and his friends. Aaaaaa what an excited moment!

I think its safe for me to say that wherever I’ve gone, Harry and the rest have gone with me. Its cheesy and its childish and it might even be a little sad in the pathetic sense to some, but its true and there’s no changing that. So its sad. Its sad to think of ends and growing up and the passing of ages. And its sad to think that things will always change, despite their merits and even if there’s a very bright silver lining in that.

there's some videos who make you cry a lot

and to Ms. Rowling. Thank you so much. Thank you for writing Harry Potter, thank you for make me happy and cry, thank you for inspired me, and thank you for everything :') #MuchLove

Besr regards, me

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011


•See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? … He couldn’t do it last night because he was too busy talking his best friend out of suicide.

•See that girl, with her face caked in make up? … She’s bullied, she needs to feel beautiful.

•See him, the one who wears long sleeves everyday? … He covers his arms to hide the scars.

•See her, with the cheap, hand-me-down clothes? … Her family can’t afford food for half the month, let alone get brand names.

•See the girl who laughs and smiles at every little thing? … She cries herself to sleep every night.

•wonder why she never lets her friends over her house? … Because she’s afraid they’ll see her dad passed out drunk on the floor, as always.

•See how that girl cringes as rape jokes? … She was raped.

•See the boy who everyone goes to for advice? … He wishes someone would do the same for him.

•See the girl who never brings a lunch? … She’s disgusted by her body.

•See her, with the little waist? … She goes to the bathroom and forces herself to throw up so that she can keep her waist that way.

•See the boy over there, see the dark circles under his eyes? … He has insomnia, he fears what he’ll see in his dreams.

•See that girl daydreaming over there? … She has schizophrenia.

•See the boy biting his nails? … He has cancer and he’s wondering how much time he has left.

•See your best friend? … She’s addicted to drugs, but she can’t tell you because you wont understand.

•See that boy reading all about 9/11? … His parents died on that day.

•See her, with her phone on her at all times? … She’s waiting for a call saying her sister was found after a kidnapping 4 years ago.

Don’t judge.
You don’t know what could be going on in someone’s life. 

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Preview Soundtrack Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Preview dari 25 track di Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' oleh Alexandre Desplat telah dirilis online. Setiap segmen pendek berlangsung sekitar 30 detik, semuanya dapat didengar sini atau di sini...

Berikut ini adalah 25 judul track yang ada di Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' oleh Alexandre Desplat dan juga durasinya...

1. “Lily’s Theme” - 02:28
2. “The Tunnel” - 01:09
3. “Underworld” - 05:24
4. “Gringotts” - 02:24
5. “Dragon Flight” - 01:43
6. “Neville” - 01:40
7. “A New Headmaster” - 03:25
8. “Panic Inside Hogwarts” - 01:53
9. “Statues” - 02:22
10. “The Grey Lady” - 05:51
11. “In the Chamber of Secrets” - 01:37
12. “Battlefield” - 02:13
13. “The Diadem” - 03:08
14. “Broomsticks and Fire” - 01:24
15. “Courtyard Apocalypse” - 02:00
16. “Snape’s Demise” - 02:51
17. “Severus and Lily” - 06:08
18. “Harry’s Sacrifice” - 01:57
19. “The Resurrection Stone” - 04:32
20. “Harry Surrenders” - 01:30
21. “Procession” - 02:07
22. “Neville the Hero” - 02:17
23. “Showdown” - 03:37
24. “Voldemort’s End” - 02:44
25. “A New Beginning” - 01:39

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


pas itu, gue lagi berkelana ke dunia maya. Dan tiba-tibaaaaaa, jrenggg jengggg, gue nemuin tempa chat baru namanya vuala, seru sih, di sini umur kita bisa diatur-atur tanpa perlu sign up. Tapi, kalo lo pake pengaturan umur, kadang-kadang suka ga bisa, dikarenakan temen chat yg umurnya lo pengen itu lagi offline, so coba aja gausah pake pengaturan umur. Tapi hati-hati, ntar lo ketemu bule horny kayak di omegle ¬_¬ tapi tenang, di sini bulenya baik-baik kok. Ya cuman, kayaknya belum banyak yg tau tempat chat ini. Dan untuk temen sd gue, smp gue, coba nih! #eaa #korbaniklan #ganyambung haha, so tunggu apa lagi, coba nih www.vua.la 

pas itu, gue lagi bosen, dan pengen ngerjain bule, dan inilah hasilnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

itu bulenya bener2  'alay' ga tau alay wakakak

ngemble? apa itu ngembleh? gue sendiri pun juga gatau. Dan yg  lucunya, si bule  menjawab 'cool' LMAO XD

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Saddest text message

  • 10pm
  • Girl: babe, let's meet later. I miss you.
  • Boy: alright, I'll just finish this round of beer.
  • Girl: you're drinking again?
  • Boy: don't worry; I'll be there, okay?
  • Girl: okay, I'll be waiting.
  • hours passed, more of the boy's friends came and they enjoyed too much that he forgot about the time.
  • The boy looked at his cellphone and saw four messages and 10 missed calls.
  • He shut his phone down to pretend his battery was drained.
  • 1am
  • The boy went home and saw his brother, panicking outside the house and looking for him.
  • Brother: someone called earlier! Your girlfriend's bag was snatched, but she followed the snatchers and they shot her!
  • Boy: don't mess with me man. Stop joking.
  • The boy opened his cellphone and looked at her messages.
  • 11: 00pm
  • Babe, where are you?
  • 11: 30pm
  • Babe, why is your phone off?
  • 11: 45pm
  • Babe, there are guys following me. I'm scared. Where are you? : '(
  • 12: 00am
  • Happy Anniversary Babe, I love you. I wanted to greet you personally, but I think I won't see you tonight. Good night babe, I hope you're not drunk when you get home.
  • (This was originally in Filipino, but I translated it for you guys.)
  • I felt sad, reading this.
  • Guys, you'll never know when you'll lose the people you love.
  • Show them everyday how much you love them because you'll never know when you can't, anymore.
(source: tumblr.com)

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Dilema nem pas-pasan

gue bingung, gue galau, gue pusing! dari dulu, cita-cita gue cuman mau masuk sman 5 tangerang doang! itu doang kok! tapi kalo liat nem, pesimis banget rasanya ._.
Tadi pagi, bareng temen seperjuangan gue, si LZD, gue ke sekolah, daftar kolektif --> SMAN 3 KAB. TANGERANG. Gue ngambil keputusan itu 1/4 hati, lebih tepatnya terpaksa! bukan, bukan paksaan dari siapa-siapa, bukan juga tentang kondisi sekolahnya. sekolah itu bagus kok, ini masalah keadaan yang mendesak! gue sama sekali ga tertarik sekolah di situ, walaupun yaa sekolah itu emang paling bagus se-KABUPATEN tangerang ._. gue gatau keputusan ini bener apa salah, yang jelas, gue masih ga rela sekolah di situ :'( udah yaa, pengen nge-galau lagi, ga tau apalagi yg harus gue tulis, kbye -__-

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Congrats Annisa Suci Utami

halohaaaaa :D ini tanggal 4 kan? ini hari kelulusan kan? IYAAAAAA :D
hari ini aku lulus, kamu lulus, mereka lulus, kita semua lulusss ~(*o*~) ga tau lagi yaa mau ngomong apa, seneng banget sumpah! yaa walaupun nilai gue cuma pas-pasan -_-

B. Indonesia: 8.40
B. Inggris:     9.20
Matematika:  8.75
IPA:             7.75
Jumlah:         34.10
kecil kan? pas-pasan bgt ._. tapi NA gue 34.20 lohh :D #terus? #penting? #peduli? haha
perlu tau yaa!! ini MURNI, ASLI, KERJA KERAS SENDIRI!! yaa walaupun gue dapet beberapa bocoran, itu ga gue pake, gue tetep yakin ama jawaban gue sendiri :D dan tidak lepas pula dari berdoa dan bantuan beberapa nomer dari teman setipe ._.
okay, its mine, how with yours? :)

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Secondhand Serenade – Your Call

Waiting for your call, I’m sick, call I’m angry
call I’m desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It’s playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
when you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What’s your 
(What’s your, what’s your…)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I’m tired of being all alone, and this
moment makes me want to come back home

(I know everything you wanted isn’t anything you have)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn’t anything you have)

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Dee's Perahu Kertas

Namanya Kugy. Mungil, pengkhayal,
dan berantakan. Dari benaknya,
mengalir untaian dongeng indah.
Keenan belum pernah bertemu manusia seaneh itu.

Namanya Keenan. Cerdas, artistik,
dan penuh kejutan. Dari tangannya,
mewujud lukisan-lukisan magis.
Kugy belum pernah bertemu manusia seajaib itu.

Dan kini mereka berhadapan di 
antara hamparan misteri dan

Akankah dongeng dan lukisan itu bersatu?
Akankah hati dan impian mereka bertemu...

aaaaa, perahu kertas (っ˘з˘)っ gue pertama baca perahu kertas dapet minjem dari temen, hehe. Perahu kertas ini satu-satunya alasan yang ngebuat gue ga browsing dan twitteran selama 2 hari. Pertama baca sih gue mikir ''apa sih yang menarik dari novel ini?'' and you know what? banyak banget yang menarik dari novel ini. Inti keseluruhan ceritanya itu tentang 'kebebasan'. Satu kata yang simple tapi berarti banyak. Gue selalu suka semua cerita yang menyangkut 'kebebasan' ga tau kenapa yaa, mungkin gara-gara gue yang kadang merasa terkekang dan ga bisa bebas. Tokoh favorit gue di sini itu Kugy, seorang gadis remaja yang selalu nyoba buat jadi dirinya sendiri, dan gue suka itu :D
Saat lo baca ini, lo bakal susah nebak apa yang jadi ending nya karena emang novel buatan mba Dee ini susah ditebak (kecuali kalo lo bacanya dari belakang bukan dari depan haha). Dan katanya nih, novel Perahu Kertas ini bakal dibuatin film layar lebarnya. Oh god, i cant wait for this :D hopefully Perahu Kertas movie can be realize ....

Oke, gue nulis ini bukan untuk promosi atau semacamnya. Gue nulis karna gue suka nulis, kalo lo suka, lo wajib beli! Ga boleh engga! hah? mimjem? kayak gue? yaa gapapa sih haha

okay guys, happy reading :)

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

The heart wants …

The heart wants, what the heart wants. 
But sometimes if we truly love someone, we’re willing to let them go for someone else to love. 
But dont push anything,let that person come to you.Stay positive. 
Love that special person with all you got no matter what the future holds…

(Source: dancingheart13)

I don’t want a boyfriend just to be able to say that I have a boyfriend

I want a real boyfriend. 
Someone I can really talk to. Someone who gets me, and knows all my quirks and flaws. 
I want someone who will stay committed, no matter how hard it is to put up with me. 
I just want someone to show me that some people can really stay in your life forever. 
I want someone to make me believe in love.

(Source: triangleislife, via fabulousxthings)

just share

: My heart hurts , 
Girl : Why ?
Boy : Cos’ its been crying out for you but you cant hear it ..
Girl : ( * Listens to heart beat )
Boy : Do you hear it ?
Boy : Do you hear it telling you ..
Girl : I love you too .
Boy : ( * Smiles )
(Source: neeekaai, via poppingcorns)